

Analyze the role of Hydraulic Fittings

Analyze the role of Hydraulic Fittings

First, distinguish the power components, control components, actuators, and auxiliary components in the oil circuit. For the variable pump in the power element, the variable principle should be judged and the adjustment method should be mastered. For control components, directional valves, pressure valves, and flow valves should be distinguished, as well as valve control methods and performance characteristics.
Hydraulic components may have several functions. Analyze a hydraulic component in the circuit, know which functions this component has, and then determine its specific function according to the characteristics of the circuit and the connection of this component in the circuit. For example, the accumulator has three functions: auxiliary energy, compensation for leakage and pulsation absorption. If it is used in a fast loop, its function is an auxiliary energy source; if it is used in a pressure-holding loop, its function is to compensate for leakage; if it is connected near the vibration source, its function is to absorb pulsation.

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